Teana Rejuvenating Sensory Cleansing Milk Shining Perfection 100ml

Teana Rejuvenating Sensory Cleansing Milk Shining Perfection 100ml / 3.38oz

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Gently removes makeup and cleanses the skin.
Suitable for the eye area.
Maintains the youthful appearance and comfort of the skin.
Neutralizes the negative effects of makeup.
Effect: this light milk cleanses impurities and waterresistant makeup, and preserves the skin's youthful health. It provides the necessary moisture level,slows down aging processes and increases the skin's protective functions.
Result: pure velvety skin, a feeling of exceptional comfort.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: jojoba oil, olive oil, micelles, Lipomoist 2036, Unitamuron H-22, NovHyal Biotech G, Inoveol CAFA, Meiritage (herbal extracts used in Chinese medicine: huang qi, bai zhu, chai hu), Juvinity.
Application: Apply the cream directly to the face or on a cotton pad, remove makeup with light movements. Remove excess with a napkin.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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