Skipofit body cream-balm Capillary 75ml / 2.53oz

Skipofit body cream-balm Capillar 75ml / 2.53oz

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Cream-balm “Capillary” Skipofit for the body quickly restores impaired blood flow, reduces swelling, resolves hematomas and relieves inflammation and pain. The gum turpentine and oregano extract included in the composition relieve muscle tension, stiffness and cramps, and also stimulate blood circulation in the legs, which fills the cells with nutrients and oxygen. The combination of arnica extracts and cedar oil has a tonic effect, prevents the development of swelling, and also gives the feet a feeling of coolness, lightness and comfort throughout the day.

Ingredients: Distilled water, glycerin, turpentine, cedar oil, urea, cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, PEG-400, phenyl ether, caprylyl glycol, mumiyo, sodium polyacrylate, mint essential oil, arnica, birch, grape and milk thistle extracts, dihydrocercetin, vitamin E, succinic acid, oregano essential oil.

Apply a small amount of cream to the skin of your feet in the morning and evening, gently rubbing until completely absorbed.

Purposes of Application
Anti-cellulite & Weight loss
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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