Special tonic for women Chanterelle with broccoli and Phallus 30caps. x 0.5g

Special tonic for women Chanterelle with broccoli and Phallus 30caps. x 0.5g

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Cedar nut kernels extraordinary oil and the chanterelle fruiting body activate the defense, cleansing, and fermenting functions of the liver, they produce targeted effect for hormonal imbalance changes, nodular and diffuse changes of the mammary gland and endometrium, neoplasms in internal organs, female reproductive function and menstrual cycle disorders, thrush, concomitant female genitourinary system inflammations and infections.
Special Tonic Chanterelle with broccoli and stinkhorn is the extraordinary oil extracted from the Siberian cedar nut kernels and the chanterelle fruiting body, supplemented with native natural concentrates, with beneficial effect in the following situations:
- Mastitis;
- Endometriosis;
- Myoma;
- Candidosis;
- Menstrual cycle disorder;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Infertility caused by inflammation or infection;
- Cysts and concomitant changes.
Ingredients: cedar nut kernel oil, chanterelle fruiting body, reishi, stinkhorn, Paeonia Anomala (peony), shiitake (Chinese black mushroom), broccoli, chasteberry, giant clover, leather bergenia, Caragana Jubata, bear bile, and chaga.
Artemia native concentrate contributes to prevention of the cells transition and endometrium growth.
Reishi native concentrate prevents tumoral changes.
Stinkhorn, peony, and Chinese black mushroom (shiitake) native concentrate stimulates elimination of the nodular and diffuse changes of the mammal glands; it prevents the endometrium disorders, prevents the cyst occurrence and growth.
Broccoli and chasteberry native composition prevents changes and induration occurring in the mammal glands.
Clover, caragana, and bergenia native concentrate contributes to intensive elimination of infectious, inflammatory, and fungal processes; it is highly beneficial in thrush treatment; it produces the pain-relieving and soothing effect.
Native bile and chaga composition recovers the adequate immune response, prevents changes that may occur in the genitourinary system, and prevents the neoplastic processes.
Use instructions: take orally 1 capsule 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.Course of administration - 30 days.
Four courses per year are recommended.
Contraindications: idiosyncrasy to the product components.
Storage conditions: keep in place with temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Shelf life: 2 years.
TU 9141-024-67104832-14
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