Special tonic for stones Chanterelle with milk thistle, corn stigmas and black caraway seeds 100ml

Special tonic for stones Chanterelle with milk thistle, corn stigmas and black caraway seeds 100ml / 3.38oz

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Special Tonic Chanterelle with milk thistle, corn style, and black cumin is the extraordinary special oil extracted from the Siberian cedar kernels and the chanterelle fruiting body, supplemented with the native natural concentrates, with beneficial effect in the following situations:
- Prevention of the stones or calculi growth in the kidneys, bladder, and pancreas;
- Smooth removal of the stones or calculi from the kidneys, bladder, and pancreas;
- Elimination of the inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys and bladder;
- Elimination of the inflammatory processes of the pancreas;
- Bile outflow normalization;
- Normalization of the liver and pancreas condition in case of the spicy and fatty food products consumption.
Ingredients: cedar nut kernel oil, chanterelle fruiting body, black cumin seeds, milk thistle (Silybum Marianum) seeds, corn style, Bupleurum Aureum grass, hill-growing saltwort (Salsola Collina), and briarberry root.
Extraordinary special oil extracted from the Siberian cedar kernels and the chanterelle fruiting body promotes gentle removal of the stones from kidneys, bladder, and pancreas; it prevents the inflammatory and infectious process, normalizes the urinary system and pancreas condition, and prevents the stones formation and growth.
Black cumin and corn style native composition stops the growth of stones; it stimulates the stones softening and gentle removal.
Milk thistle, hill-growing saltwort, and quinine fungus native composition contributes to elimination of the inflammatory processes occurring in the liver and pancreas, prevents the bladder spasms, regulates the bile composition, and prevents the growth of stones.
Bupleurum Aureum, briarberry root, and bear bile native composition prevents the occurrence of pancreatitis and cholecystitis; it stimulates the removal of sand and stones, relieves the pain, normalizes the urine and bile composition, regulates and normalizes the urinary tract function, liver and pancreas function.
Use instructions: take orally 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.Course of administration - 30 days.
Four courses per year are recommended.
Contraindications: idiosyncrasy to the product components.
Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Storage conditions: keep in place with temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
TU 9141-024-67104832-14
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