Teana Rejuvenating Mask With Blue Retinol And Viola Tricolor Extract Aquamarine Miracle 50ml

Teana Rejuvenating Mask With Blue Retinol And Viola Tricolor Extract Aquamarine Miracle 50ml / 1.69oz

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Deep moisturizing and softening.
Evening out tone and texture.
Increasing elasticity.
Lightening pigmentation.
Effect: this mask rejuvenates the skin on the face and neck, reduces expression lines, prevents the appearance of new ones, and lightens and smoothes the skin. It moisturizes, blurs visible defects and prevents premature aging at the cellular level.
Result: more even, smooth and supple skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Lanablue (algae extract), Aquaphyline (viola tricolor extract), Telosomyl (protects cell DNA from premature aging), grapeseed oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, shea butter.
Application: Apply the mask to cleansed face and neck every other day. Remove the remains with a cosmetic napkin. For maximum effect, use Sapphire Secret cream or Turquoise Silk serum from the Blue Retinol series after the mask . The mask is not addictive, has a prolonged (cumulative) effect.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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