Teana Rejuvenating Peel With Blue Retinol And Fruit Acids Fiery Topaz 30ml

Teana Rejuvenating Peel With Blue Retinol And Fruit Acids Fiery Topaz 30ml / 1.01oz

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Cleansing and gently peeling.
Evening out the skin's tone and texture.
Reducing wrinkles and pigmentation.
Smoothing and softening.
Effect: this peel with fruit acids (pH3) removes dead skin cells gently and effectively cleansing and moisturizing the skin. It smoothes expression lines, lightens pigmentation and post-acne marks, narrows pores, evens out the skin tone and blurs skin imperfections.
Result: ideally smooth and supple skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Lanablue (algae extract), Aquaphyline (viola tricolor extract), Celldetox (yeast extract), glycolic acid, malic acid, lactic acid.
Application: Apply a small amount of the peeling with a dropper to cleansed face and décolleté. After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water. The peeling process may be accompanied by a tingling sensation or a slight burning sensation. After using the peeling, apply the Sapphire Secret Cream or the Turquoise Silk Serum from the Blue Retinol series. Apply the first three days every day, then once a week for a month, then once a month to maintain the effect.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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