Teana Rejuvenating Serum With Blue Retinol Turquoise Silk 30ml

Teana Rejuvenating Serum With Blue Retinol Turquoise Silk 30ml / 1.01oz

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Refreshing and evening out the skin tone.
Protecting from photoaging.
Increasing elasticity.
Reducing wrinkles and pigmentation.
Effect: this serum prevents photoaging, restoring and renewing the skin. It brings back a healthy radiance, evens out the skin tone, wipes away the signs of fatigue, reduces wrinkles, smoothes the skin's texture and improves its elasticity. It prevents glycation (gluing of collagen and elastin molecules by glucose), which is responsible for the loss of elasticity and natural radiance.
Result: smoother, more radiant and supple skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Lanablue (algae extract), Deglysome (red algae extract), Celldetox (yeast extract), avocado oil.
Application: Apply to cleansed face and neck twice daily, morning and evening. Then use the cream from the Blue Retinol - Sapphire Secret series . The serum is not addictive, has a prolonged (cumulative) effect, launching a constant process of healing
skin cells.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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