Planeta Organica Fresh Market Kenyan Coffee Body Scrub 250g

Planeta Organica Fresh Market Kenyan Coffee Body Scrub 250g

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The Kenyan Coffee Coffee Body Scrub smoothes the skin, improves firmness and visibly contours the body.
Kenyan coffee contains a record amount of natural caffeine, speeds up metabolism and helps shape the figure.
Red orange oil contains 5 times more natural antioxidants than lemon and improves skin firmness and elasticity.
Chili pepper warms up, has an instant tonic effect.
Method of application: stir the contents of the package before use. Apply a small amount of scrub to damp skin with light massaging movements, rinse with water. We recommend using it 2 times a week.
Ingredients: Coffea Arabica Seed Powder (ground Kenyan coffee), Sucrose (cane sugar), Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil (sunflower oil), Pinus Sibirica Seed Powder (pine nut shell), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Capsicum Annuum Fruit Extract (extract chili), Citrus Sinensis Peel Oil (red orange essential oil), Citrus Reticulata Peel Oil (mandarin essential oil).
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