Planeta Organica Fresh Market Caribbean Ocean Foot Scrub 250g

Planeta Organica Fresh Market Caribbean Ocean Foot Scrub 250g

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Coral foot scrub deeply cleanses, relieves fatigue and leaves the skin amazingly smooth.
Rice powder renews, giving tenderness and velvety.
The coconut shell returns the smoothness to the legs, as after walking along the seashore.
Dead Sea salt, thanks to the content of magnesium, calcium and selenium, nourishes the skin of the legs with minerals
Method of application: stir the contents of the package before use. Apply a small amount of scrub to damp skin with light massaging movements, rinse with water. We recommend using it 2 times a week.
Ingredients: Sea Salt (Dead Sea Salt), Cocos Nucifera Shell Powder (Coconut Shell), Oryza Sativa Powder (Rice Powder), Pinus Sibirica Seed Powder (Pine Nut Shell), Sapindus Trifoliatus Fruit Extract (Soap Nut Extract), Cinnamomum Cassia Bark (cinnamon powder), Salvia Officinalis Oil (sage essential oil), Citrus Paradisi Peel Oil (grapefruit essential oil), Mentha Piperita Oil (peppermint essential oil), Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil (cedarwood essential oil).

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