Planeta Organica Fresh Market Bahamas Salt Body Scrub 400g

Planeta Organica Fresh Market Bahamas Salt Body Scrub 400g

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Sea salt body scrub deeply cleanses and regenerates the skin, nourishes with minerals, improves elasticity and tone.
Sea salt rejuvenates, smoothes and rejuvenates.
Spirulina is 68% protein, improves firmness and elasticity, corrects body contours.
Wakame seaweed, due to its high iodine content, frees the skin from toxins and has a calming effect.
Method of application: stir the contents of the package before use. Apply a small amount of scrub to damp skin with light massaging movements, rinse with water. We recommend using it 2 times a week.
Ingredients: Sea Salt (sea salt), Spirulina Maxima Powder (spirulina powder), Undaria Pinnatifida Powder (wakame seaweed), Fucus Vesiculosus Powder (fucus powder), Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil (macadamia oil), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Glycer (vegetable glycerin), Citrus Paradisi Peel Oil (grapefruit essential oil), Mentha Piperita Oil (peppermint essential oil), Pinus Sibirica Seed Oil (cedarwood essential oil).
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