Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Gold 24K 50ml

Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Gold 24K 50ml / 1.69oz

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Beauty elixir with gold nanoparticles.
Transforms the complexion.
Stimulates the synthesis of collagen.
Moisturizes and renews the skin.
Effect: serves as a golden therapy to rejuvenate the skin and transform the complexion. Thanks to the nanoparticles of pure 24 carat gold this microfluid stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the skin, making it more supple and improving the complexion. It improves the skin's regeneration and fights gravitational sagging.
Result: radiant and lifted skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Lipobelle Gold, Uplevity, Lipomoist-2036, Retinol molecular film fluid WP.
Application: Apply to cleansed face and neck in a thin layer after a serum / booster or as a standalone product.
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