Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Syn-Chro 50ml

Teana Occlux Molecular Microfluid Syn-Chro 50ml / 1.69oz

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Realigning the skin's biorhythms.
Compensates for a lack of sun.
Gives a rested appearance.
Firms the jawline.
Effect: it activates the skin's inner clock to restore and rejuvenate when there is not enough sunlight. Premature aging can be caused by broken circadian rhythms (daytime and nighttime cell activity). This microfluid reproduces the biological mechanisms which are triggered by the solar activity, making the skin look fresh, supple and rested. It increases the level of micro-elements, supporting collagen and elastin fibers, renewing and rejuvenating the skin.
Result: supple skin with a rested appearance.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Chronocyclin, Uplevity, Lipomoist-2036, Retinol molecular film fluid WP.
Application: Apply to cleansed face and neck in a thin layer after a serum / booster or as a standalone product.
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