Concept Color Shade Balsam Arctic Anti-Yellow effect 1000ml / 33.81oz

Concept Color Shade Balsam Arctic Anti-Yellow effect

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The balm neutralizes unwanted shades of yellowness on bleached and light-colored hair. Arctic blonde will give your hair a beautiful cool shade.

A balanced complex of conditioners and biologically active substances in the balm moisturize, give smoothness, facilitate combing, and also remove static from the hair. The natural components included in the balm intensively nourish the hair and help restore the structure. After using the balm, the hair becomes shiny, silky and voluminous.

Burdock oil
Air conditioning complex
Biologically active substances

Apply the balm to clean, damp hair, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. To obtain a more intense shade, we recommend leaving it on your hair for 10-15 minutes.

Precautions: We recommend using gloves.


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