Teana Expert Boost silicon booster THE RESTRUCTURIZER 20ml

Teana Expert Boost silicon booster THE RESTRUCTURIZER 20ml / 0.67oz

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Strengthening the skin's structure and anti-age care.
Renews the epidermis.
Reduces deep wrinkles.
Smoothes the skin's texture.
Moisturizes and protects against inflammation.
Effect: this booster contains silicon derivatives which promote the skin's deep renewal, strengthening and rejuvenating it and filling deep wrinkles. The booster protects collagen and elastin fibers from destruction and firms thin fragile skin. It increases skin immunity against inflammation and restores its elasticity and smoothness.
Result: smoother, firmer and more elastic skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: XEP-018, Neurophroline, Mariliance, Algisium, Epidermosil, Essenskin.
Application: Apply 2-3 drops before serum, cream or mask. Or add 2-3 drops to any skincare product (mix in the palm of your hand before applying to skin).
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