Teana Expert Boost protecting booster ANTI-INFLAMMAGING 20ml

Teana Expert Boost protecting booster ANTI-INFLAMMAGING 20ml / 0.67oz

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Skin protection from aging.
Works against chronic inflammation.
Protects against UV damage.
Improves regeneration and smoothes wrinkles.
Gives freshness and elasticity.
Effect: this booster is an effective anti-inflammatory solution to prevent skin aging. It reduces chronic inflammation, even asymptomatic, caused by stress. It improves skin regeneration and rejuvenation processes during sleep, corrects even deep wrinkles, and protects cells from UV damage.
Result: soft, smooth skin free from inflammation.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: XEP-018, Neurophroline, Mariliance, Timecode, Antileukine 6, Celtosome, Prodizia.
Application: Apply 2-3 drops before serum, cream or mask. Or add 2-3 drops to any skincare product (mix in the palm of your hand before applying to skin).
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