Teana Expert Boost booster with phyto stem cells ELDERFLOWER & GARDENIA 20ml

Teana Expert Boost booster with phyto stem cells ELDERFLOWER & GARDENIA 20ml / 0.67oz

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Strengthening the skin's structure and anti-age care.
Provides a lifting effect.
Protects against stress and blue light damage.
Increases elasticity.
Prevents from sagging.
Effect: this booster based on phyto stem cells promotes skin longevity by protecting it from the negative influence of computer and TV displays and other gadgets. It stimulates self-renewal and self-rejuvenation processes, enhancing the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smoothing wrinkles and giving an overall lifting effect.
Result: lifted, elastic skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: XEP-018, Neurophroline, Mariliance, Majestem, Senestem, Gardenia Stems GX, Relistase.
Application: Apply 2-3 drops before serum, cream or mask. Or add 2-3 drops to any skincare product (mix in the palm of your hand before applying to skin).
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