Teana Expert Boost lash & brow booster LARCH AND TEA PLANT 20ml

Teana Expert Boost lash & brow booster LARCH AND TEA PLANT 20ml / 0.67oz

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Hair growth.
Stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.
Activates dormant follicles and prevents hair loss.
Gives a healthy shine.
Improves microcirculation.
Effect: this booster helps reduce the stress related loss and damage of hair follicles. It activates “dormant" hair follicles, stimulating the growth of healthy, thick and shiny eyebrows and lashes.
Result: thick, shiny, more voluminous eyelashes and eyebrows.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: XEP-018, Neurophroline, Mariliance, Redensyl, Procapil. Apply 2-3 drops on the eyelash line or on eyebrows before makeup or before sleep.
Application: It is recommended to apply the booster on the eyebrows and along the lash line after washing before applying makeup, as well as at night - to obtain the fastest and most pronounced effect.
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