Teana Expert Boost booster with boreal wood extracts EXTREME CARE 20ml

Teana Expert Boost booster with boreal wood extracts EXTREME CARE 20ml / 0.67oz

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Skin protection from aging.
Optimizes the cellular activity.
Promotes prolonged hydration.
Protects from all types of stress.
Effect: this booster contains unique “antifreeze" proteins and molecules-extremolytes, protecting the skin from the extreme stress. The booster reduces inflammation and irritation and makes the skin less sensitive. It provides long-term hydration and activates the cells' “youthful" functions, promoting a fast visible rejuvenation effect.
Result: calmer, more smooth and cared-for skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: XEP-018, Neurophroline, Mariliance, Antarcticine, Glycoin, Ectoin, Boréaline Expert, Boréaline hydra, Juvenessence.
Application: Apply 2-3 drops before serum, cream or mask. Or add 2-3 drops to any skincare product (mix in the palm of your hand before applying to skin).
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