Teana Fifth Sense Cleansing foam P1 150ml

Teana Fifth Sense Cleansing foam P1 150ml / 5.07oz

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Gentle cleansing.
No feeling of tightness.
Light texture.
Contains micelles.
Effect: this wash cleanses the skin delicately and thoroughly, without leaving it feeling tight or dry. It has a light air-like texture. The micelles remove impurities and residual makeup gently and effectively.
Result: cleansed, tender, velvety skin.
Skin type: normal, dry and sensitive.
Active ingredients: peach extract, dog-rose extract, cucumber extract, barley extract, salmon DNA, neuroactive complex Calmosensine.
Application: Apply the foam to damp skin, massage and rinse with plenty of water at a comfortable temperature, washing in the morning after sleep every day.
Skin Type
Dry skin
Normal skin
Sensitive skin
Purposes of Application
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