Teana Fifth Sense Eye Gel Against Dark Circles, Bags & Puffiness O1 25ml

Teana Fifth Sense Eye Gel Against Dark Circles, Bags & Puffiness O1 25ml / 0.84oz

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Increasing elasticity.
Eliminating puffiness.
Reducing eye bags and dark circles.
Effect: this gel provides effective and delicate care for tired skin around the eyes. It moisturizes and lifts the tender eyelid skin, helps eliminate bags and dark circles, and reduces fine wrinkles.
Result: more elastic skin, less puffiness and reduced dark circles under the eyes.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Biophytex complex (butcher's broom extract, centella extract, calendula extract), peptide complex Eyeliss, plant complex Unisurrection S-61, cecropia extract, Matryxil 3000, neuroactive complex Calmosensine.
Gently apply the required amount of gel on the lower eyelid with the articular part of the finger in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as if pulling your eyes up.
For the upper eyelid: Apply a small amount of the gel with the articular part of the finger and spread the gel in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as if lifting the eyelids up.
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