Teana Fifth Sense Sensory Eye Gel Express Lifting O2 25ml

Teana Fifth Sense Sensory Eye Gel Express Lifting O2 25ml / 0.84oz

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Adding suppleness.
Reducing wrinkles.
Improving elasticity.
Effect: this gel lifts the eyelids gently and quickly, wiping away the visible signs of exhaustion and first signs of aging. Its delicate action brings back a fresh and supple look.
Result: more supple and lifted skin around the eyes.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Argatensyl (argania extract), peptide complex Matrixyl 3000, neuroactive complex Calmosensine, protecting and restoring complex Unirepair t-43, plant complex Unisurrection S-61.
Can be used as a serum to lift the upper eyelids.
Gently apply the required amount of gel on the lower eyelid with the articular part of the finger in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as if pulling your eyes up.
For the upper eyelid: Apply a small amount of the gel with the articular part of the finger and spread the gel in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as if lifting the eyelids up.
Purposes of Application
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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