Teana Fifth Sense Multilamellar Cream Radiance CC 50ml

Teana Fifth Sense Multilamellar Cream Radiance CC 50ml / 1.69oz

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Reducing pigmentation.
Bringing back a healthy glow.
Protecting from photoaging.
Evening out the skin tone.
Effect: this light cream gently lightens the skin and fills it with an inner glow. It evens out the skin's tone quickly, reduces pigmented spots, post-acne marks and freckles, and makes the skin soft and velvety.
Result: glowing and velvety skin with an even tone.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: Lumisphere, photoprotection complex Venuceane, chaparral extract, neuroactive complex Calmosensine. Ideal as a primer giving an inner glow.
Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation
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