Teana Fifth Sense Enzyme cleansing gommage S 50ml

Teana Fifth Sense Enzyme cleansing gommage S 50ml / 1.69oz

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Deep cleansing.
Removing blackheads.
Gentle skin renewal.
Smoothing skin's tone and texture.
Effect: This exfoliant gently removes dead skin cells, renewing the skin, evening out its tone and texture, narrowing pores and improving the skin's ability to breathe. The formula allows the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.
Result: smoother, cleansed and ideally soft skin.
Skin type: any.
Active ingredients: olive oil, Keratoline, salmon DNA, cocoa butter, chaparral extract. The gommage exfoliant does not damage the skin and can be used in summer.
Application: Apply a sufficient amount of exfoliant to damp skin and leave for 1-2 minutes. Massage with light movements, then rinse off with plenty of water at a comfortable temperature for you. The first week is every other day. Then once a week.
Purposes of Application
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