Teana Fifth Sense Mattifying spray toner T2 125ml

Teana Fifth Sense Mattifying spray toner T2 125ml / 4.22oz

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Moisturizing and mattifying.
Preparation for further skincare application.
Regulating sebaceous glands' activity.
Refreshing and calming.
Effect: plant extracts and vitamins tone the skin and wipe away stress and fatigue. The toner calms, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, helping it feel refreshed and recharged. It has a positive effect on oily and problem skin, making it matte and soft.
Result: cleansed, matte skin filled with energy.
Skin type: combination, oily, problem and acne-prone skin.
Active ingredients: Sebomine SB12 complex with lactoferrin, regenerating complex with carrot, aloe and frankincense extracts, neuroactive complex Calmosensine, panthenol. When it is hot outside spray on face and neck as often as needed to refresh.
Spray toner onto cleansed skin as a finishing touch to your daily skincare routine.
In hot weather, spray toner on face and neck to refresh skin as often as you like.
Skin Type
Combination skin
Oily skin
Problem Skin
Purposes of Application
Oil control
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